Pondicherry University  CBCS Grading System PG Passing grade marks attendance rules

(Last Updated On: 13/11/2019)

Pondicherry University CBCS Grading System PG Passing grade marks attendance rules applicable from the year 2019 are explained here. The Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) is the most flexible, suitable, modern and student centric method in higher education. It is applicable to the programs offered in its campus and in its constituent colleges. The CBCS is applicable to all full-time Post Graduate, Five year integrated Post Graduate and M. Phil. Programs of study approved by the Academic Council.

Pondicherry University CBCS Grading System

Pondicherry University CBCS Grading System facilitates students to obtain university degree / diploma / certificates by accumulating prescribed number of credits. Student can exercise choice in taking and passing the SC (Softcore) courses, which are offered within the department / center or any other department / center. Apart from mandatory HC (Hard Core) courses student shall take SC courses to fulfill minimum credit requirement of the program.

Pondicherry University CBCS Credits and Contact hours

One credit shall mean one period of teaching per week for theory or two periods per week for laboratory / practical courses. One teaching period shall be for 60 minutes including 10 minutes for discussion/movement.

The courses offered for PG / 5 year Integrated PG programs have 2/3/4 credits.Project Work for PG / 5 year Integrated PG programs shall be offered only in the final / penultimate semester and shall carry 4/5 credits if it is offered as one of the courses in that semester.

Field training (FT) conducted for one week (5 days) shall carry 1 credit.

Internship / Training for at least one month in institutions of excellence / organization / company / University shall carry 2 credits.

For introductory theory courses, one tutorial hours per week shall be conducted including regular contact hours.

Pondicherry University Number of credits

Pondicherry University the minimum number of credits which should be earned by the student of M. A. / M. Sc.,/ MBA Programs (inclusive of Hard-core, Soft-core and Project work) shall be in the range specified in Table 1.

Table 1

A student who has passed in all HC courses and Project work (if any) and accumulated not less than the minimum number of Credits prescribed in the Table 1 shall get the Degree.

The duration of any two year PG Programs shall be 4 semesters. Students have the flexibility to complete the PG Program of Study within a minimum of 3 semesters and a maximum of 8 semesters. The normal duration of Integrated 5 year PG Programs shall be 10 semesters. Students have the flexibility to complete the Integrated PG Program of Study within a minimum of 8 semesters and a maximum of 16 semesters. 

Pondicherry University Registration

No student shall be permitted to register for courses (HC, SC courses and project put together) exceeding 30 credits in total per semester. However, registration for Repeat courses is allowed in excess of this limit.

A student, to retain his status, should register for at least 12 credits in a semester while registering within normal duration of 2 year PG (4 semesters) or 5 year Integrated (10 semester programs).

No SC course shall be offered unless a minimum of 3 students get registered.

Students can audit a soft-core courses offered within the department or courses offered by other departments to gain extra knowledge / enhance skills. 

In such a case, students should have minimum attendance (70%) and he shall be exempted from taking internal assessment and end semester examinations. In the grade card of the student audited courses shall be included and denoted as by audited and not credited (AUNC).

Pondicherry University Evaluation

Evaluation is done through continuous (internal) and end semester assessments.

Internal Assessment and End Semester Assessment

Theory courses: IA 40 marks and End Semester Assessment: 60 marks.

There shall be two written tests / term papers for 30 marks for internal assessment of theory courses. If more than two tests are conducted then best two shall be considered. Evaluation for rest of the 10 marks shall be based on the performance of students in assignments/ write-ups/ quizzes / case demos / classroom performance etc.

Laboratory/ Fieldwork (practical) courses IA: 60 marks and end-semester assessment of 40 marks.

IA for Project shall be for 40 marks, and end-semester assessment shall be for 60 marks (20 marks for record / report, 20 marks for presentation in viva-voce and 20 marks for the domain knowledge assessed in viva voce). 

Attendance: There should be min 70% attendance in a course to be eligible to write end-semester examination of that course. The exemption of attendance may be given for classes missed by the student for the period (including travel) of participation in events organized by Government (e.g. Republic Day Parade, National Sports event, Independence Day Parade, Swachh Bharat etc.)

There shall be award of the grade of FA (failure due to lack of attendance) if the attendance is less than 70%. In such a case, the student is required to repeat that course when it will be offered next time.

Minimum passing marks for passing a course are 40% (24 marks out of 60 for theory courses and 16 out of 40 for practical courses) in the end-semester examinations.

A student who fails in a course when registered for the first time can take supplementary end-semester examination on following conditions:

Minimum attendance should be (70%) and the student should have scored a minimum of 16 marks out of 40 marks (40%) in the internal assessment.

For the HC courses, Student shall take the supplementary end-semester exam when it is offered next time. Internal marks shall be carried forward. Grading shall be done along with the current batch.

For the SC courses Student shall take the supplementary end-semester exam at the end of the next semester. Internal marks shall be carried forward. Grading shall be done along with the current batch.

Students who fail in the supplementary end-semester exam once can not write the supplementary end-semester examination once again. Such students are required to repeat the course.

If the students fail in the 4th semester of two year program / 10th semester of five year integrated program are required to take supplementary examinations conducted within a week after reopening. Student is required to repeat the course if the student fail in this supplementary examination.

A student who fails in a course has 70% attendance and less than 16 marks in the internal assessment is required to repeat the HC / SC course with attendance exemption when the course is offered next time. In such a case the student shall be required to go through internal and end-semester assessment along with a fresh batch of students. Grading shall be done along with the current batch. If a soft-core SC course is not offered in the next academic year, HOD / CH shall assign duties to a teacher to conduct internal assessment and end-semester examinations of that course. Question paper preparation and evaluation shall be done by the concerned course teacher. Grading shall be done in absolute scale.

A student if fails in the HC due to shortage of attendance is required to repeat it when it is offered next time. Internal marks shall not be carried over. Grading shall be done along with the current batch. A student if fails in the soft-course due to shortage of attendance can replace it with another soft-core course or take it when offered next time. Internal marks shall not be carried over.

A student if registers for a course and did not attend any class and also did not drop the course on time will be marked as FA.

Failure in any course shall be recorded in the grade card and shall be used for calculation of semester grade point average (SGPA). If the students pass the course then the cumulative grade point average (CGPA) shall take into account the passing grade.

Pondicherry University Link

Pondicherry University Grading System

Performances of the students in each course are given in marks and letter grades. Final marks in each course shall be whole numbers and in case of fraction, they shall be rounded off to the next whole number.

There shall be 07 passing grades: O (outstanding), A+ (Excellent), A (Very good), B+ (Good), B (Above average),C (average), and P (pass). The marks interval for awarding the grades shall be arrived at by dividing the difference between the highest mark secured and lowest pass mark as given here. 

Table II: Grades and Grade Points for the class where 10 or more number of students pass in the course

K = (X-40)/7 Where, K = class interval, X = Highest mark in the course.

Pondicherry University Award of Grades

Table III: Grades and Grade Points for the class where less than 10 students pass in the course

K should not be rounded off to less than two decimal places. The numbers given in Range of Marks column, (X-K), (X-2K), (X-3K), etc., can be rounded off to the next whole number.

In courses where the number of students who have secured 40 marks and above is less than 10 then grading shall be done in absolute scale.

Students who secured less than 40% marks in any course shall be awarded an F Grade.


official website of Pondicherry University http://www.pondiuni.edu.in/

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