Jiwaji University Calculation of SGPA and CGPA

1/5 (1) (Last Updated On: 23/12/2019)

Jiwaji University Calculation of SGPA and CGPA is explained here.


The weightage given to a subject paper. One credit means one hour of teaching (lecture or tutorial) or two hours of practical work/ field work per week in a semester.

Grade Letter 

The performance of a student in a particular course (Paper) based on percentage of actual marks secured by a student in a course/paper. It is indicated by a Grade letter O, A, B, C,D, E, F. There is a range of marks for each Grade Letter.

Grade Point

 A weightage is given to each grade letter in number from 0 to 10

Credit points

Grade point  X Credits of a subject

Jiwaji University Calculation of SGPA and CGPA

Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA)

indicates the performance of a student in a given Semester.

It is given by “Total Crédit Points obtained in the Semester (divided by) Total Credits in the Semester”

SGPA (Si) = ∑(Ci x Gi) / ∑Ci

where Ci = number of credits of the ith course in a semester and

Gi = grade point scored by the student in the ith course.

Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA)

indicates the performance of a student in all Semesters taken together.

It is given by “Number of Credit points obtained in all semesters put together (divided by) Number of Credits in all the semesters put together”

The final result at the end of all the semesters is declared in the form of CGPA

CGPA = ∑(Ci x Si) / ∑ Ci

where Si = SGPA of the ith semester and

Ci is the total number of credits in the ith semester

Jiwaji University Conversion of CGPA to percentage of marks

Following formula can be used for converting CGPA to percentage of marks-

Percentage marks = CGPA  x 10

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