Integral University Credits Grading Internal Evaluation System B Tech

(Last Updated On: 17/11/2017)

Integral University Credits Grading Internal Evaluation System for B Tech applicable from the year 2015 -2016 are as follows:

Integral University duration of programs

Total duration of the B.Tech. Course shall be 4 years. There should be two semesters in each year comprising of two semesters normally having 90 working days in each semester.

The maximum duration of the BTech course is 7 years for a regular student and 6 years for lateral entry student.

A student, who has failed in the 1st year twice shall not be allowed to continue the studies further.

Integral University credits and grading system


  • 1 Lecture period (L) per week = 1 Credit
  • 1 Tutorial period (T) per week = 1 Credit
  • 1 Practical period (P) per week = 1/2 Credit

For the award of B.Tech degree, the minimum credits required are 200.

Letter grades and grade points

The letter grades and their equivalent grade point are given below:

Grade AB: This grade is awarded to students who remain absent in evaluation. AB grade carries grade point zero.

See also Integral University calculation of SGPI and CGPI

Integral University evaluation system

The evaluation will have to parts a) continuous assessment and  b)end semester examination

The total evaluation of a course will be done for 100 marks. The evaluation is divided as:

(a) Theory courses:

  • Continuous Assessment (CA) 40 marks
  • End-Semester Examination (ESE) 60 marks

(b) Laboratory courses including Seminar, Colloquium, Project, etc.

  • Continuous Assessment (CA) 60 marks
  • End-Semester Examination (ESE) 40 marks

See also Integral University Award of Continuous Assessment (CA)

Integral University attendance rule

The attendance of student should have a minimum of 75% in all the lectures, tutorials, lab and studio classes, reckoned from the date of his/her registration in the class. The student having short of attendance shall not be allowed to appear at the Even Semester/Annual Examinations and, shall be deemed to have been detained.

The Dean of the concerned faculty may condone the absence on medical reasons, further up to a maximum 15%.

Attendance of a student on account of participation in the prescribed functions of NCC, NSS, Educational Tours, Inter University Sports and functions, Field Work, Training and curricular/co-curricular activities sponsored by the University shall be credited to aggregate, subject to the condition that attendance record duly countersigned by the Teacher Incharge is sent to the Academic Section within two weeks of the function/activity.

If student remains continuously absent from the classes for a period of 30 days without information and sanction or his/her attendance is less than 30% then appropriate action shall be taken against him which may include striking off his name from the rolls. The student may apply for readmission within 10 days from the date of issue of the notice of striking off his name.

Integral University Heads of Passing

Continuous Assessment (CA) and End Semester Examination (ESE) are two separate heads for passing.

See also Integral University Promotion, Carry Forward of Marks, ATKT Rules

See also Integral University Division, Rank, Grace Marks

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