Bharathiar University PG Calculation of GPA CGPA and Division

(Last Updated On: 05/11/2019)

Bharathiar University PG Calculation of GPA/CGPA 

Grade Point Average (GPA) and Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) are calculated as given here.

Bharathiar University PG Grade Point Average (GPA)

Calculation for a semester

GPA = Σ(iCi×GPi)/ΣiCi

where iCi = credit assigned for a course

GPi = grade point for that course.

The failed courses in the semester are also accounted for in the summation.

Cі = Credits earned for course i in any semester

Gi = Grade Point obtained for course i in any semester

n = refers to the semester in which such course were credited

Bharathiar University PG Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA)

Calculation for entire programme

CGPA =ΣnΣi Cni GPni / Σn Σi Cni

where iCi = credit assigned for a course

GPni = grade point for that course. The summation is done for all courses registered by the student during all the semesters for which the CGPA is needed. Bharathiar University PG CGPA for the UG programme is arrived at by considering all course credits that are needed for the degree and their respective grade points.

Bharathiar University Division 



Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu

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