PEC University SGPA & CGPA

(Last Updated On: 13/12/2017)

PEC University Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA): The performance of a student in a particular semester is measured by SGPA.  It is a weighted average of the grades secured in all the courses taken in a semester and scaled to a maximum of 10.

If the grade points associated with the letter grades awarded to a student are g1 , g2 ,  g3 ,  g4 and g5 in five courses and the corresponding credits are  w1 ,  w2 ,  w3 ,  w4 and  w5 , respectively, then


Let a student has registered for one 5-credit course, four 4-credit courses, and one 3-credit course during a semester (total 24 credits).

Let the student secures A+, A, B+, C+, C, and D grades, respectively, in these courses, then

SGPA = (5×10 + 4×9 + 4×8 + 4×6 + 4×5 + 3×4) / 24 = 174 / 24 = 7.25


PEC University Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) – It gives the performance of a student in all the courses registered up to and including the latest completed semester.

CGPA is computed considering all the courses (say, n), as follows:

Incomplete grades are not included in computing the GPA until an appropriate letter grade is assigned.

PEC University grading and marking system & attendance rule

Above rules are subject to the change from time to time.

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